We Offer Outsourced Export Manager Services

We connect Manufacturers
with European Distributors.

You don’t need to speak languages.

You don’t need to travel to international trade shows.

We do it all for you!

We have the perfect solution!

Our team of sales managers from all over Europe contacts the best distributors in each country.

Count on us

Language Barriers

Language and cultural differences often pose challenges for companies seeking to export to new countries. Having knowledge of different countries and languages greatly facilitates contacting new business partners and negotiating favourable terms. We can help you overcome these barriers.


we can sort it out

Navigating EU legislation

The European Union has enabled the export of pharmaceutical and medical device products to all EU countries. However, understanding the exact steps required to start can still be a hassle for companies. While the EU streamlines the process, companies may still face difficulties when exporting to other EU countries. We can assist you with that!

the best for you

Market entry into Europe

How to enter the European Market is a big headache for many companies. You need to work on the commercial side, marketing, logistics, regulatory issues and much more. We want to take care of the EU Representative role for you, so you can relax at least about one aspect of the business. Let us make your life a bit easier!

EU business
EU business

Do You Want To Boost Your Business?

We Help You Overcome Cultural and Language Barriers in Your European Business.